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Best time to Work Out


When is the Best time to Work Out? The Mystery Solved.

This is a question that I get all of the time! When is the Best time to Work Out? Does a certain time of day matter more than others? Keep reading to find out all of the answers to these questions!

Best time to Work OutTo get started off, the first thing I noticed when I was trying to figure out what the Best time to Work Out was that I didn’t really understand what the benefits or disadvantages were. Luckily you found this blog post and you’ll reduce the struggle that I had to go through to figure out when the best time to work out was. At first, I felt that the morning was the WORST time to work out, simply because I was so tired! But on the flip side of that, I was also completely exhausted after work to even think about any type of workout at the end of my day.

Really? Was this what I was coming to? An excuse bucket where I would never have the right time to exercise, forcing me into the sedentary life that made me 65 pounds overweight in the first place? NO WAY! What I discovered and what was confirmed by Chalene Johnson, the creator of Turbo Kick and the famous TurboFire, was far more superior to any excuse.

Best time to Work Out? My Personal Review – Energy Maximization!

So here is the secret I’m going to share with you! As I mentioned above, at one point I really struggled with the morning workouts because they were too early. Then, I struggled with evening workouts because they were too late. But the more I understood how I could maximize my energy, the better it worked for me no matter what time it was!!! This means, even in the early morning, I was able to give it my all!

Simply put, the most important thing that worked for me was EATING one hour prior to my workout (no earlier than 1 hour prior to the workout). I found that by doing this I was able to have the energy and support to not only work out, but literally BRING IT like I have never done before!!

I encourage carbohydrates since that is the fuel that will give you the energy you deserve to power through even the toughest of workouts. For me, Oatmeal (1 cup, dry rolled oats) work best to provide me with a carb boost one (1) hour prior to my workout.

Best time to Work Out – What Works for Me may NOT work for you!!

best time to work outLet’s face it, even though I found my best time to work out is in the morning after a good bowl of oatmeal, it might be a disaster for you! IF that is the case, what I recommend is that you take the time to play around with the different scenarios as I did, until you find the best way to maximize your endurance and burn the most calories. I’ll poke at your funny bone by putting up this funny picture that mentions the morning workout. But seriously:

The Best time to work out is a TIME that WORKS for YOU! Search for it, maximize it, and succeed with it! Once you are able to commit to a time, stay consistent with that time and work towards making it a secondary habit.

If you need help in finding opportunities to maximize the best time to work out, consider joining my Team Beachbody team (click here) and reach out to me to get my personalized support.

Until next time, BRING IT!

Bob Sharpe
Best time to work out 

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