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Why Exercise is Addicting

Many people wonder why exercise is addicting, especially when you start seeing results. I think we can all agree that when exercise is tough (see: P90X is Hard), we often say “to heck with exercising”, especially because it’s too tough. But there is a break-thru barrier where the elite are made and the beach bodies are formed. When we break through that barrier, some people are known to have a slight addiction to exercising. Even if it is not popping in their favorite INSANITY Workout DVD 10 times per day, it could be the need for activity. So let’s discuss a few reasons why exercise is addicting. Starting with a video from Tony Horton, and then also exploring...

Why Exercise is Addicting
posted on: Mar 12, 2013 | author: Bob Sharpe

Tips to Relieve Side Stitch

STUPID SIDE STITCHES! They are like the annoying little brother or sister that nags you when you are busy. Or the weird Aunt that gives you bunny pajamas for Christmas (referencing the famous “The Christmas Story” of course). Regardless, side stitches STINK and they ruin a good workout. Today I wanted to share a few tips and tricks that I have discovered to ELIMINATE my side stitch. Now, of course I must throw out a disclaimer. I’m not a fitness instructor, but rather a proud Beachbody Coach. My tips may work for you, but then again they may not! I’d be interested to hear either way, so feel free to leave a comment below and let me know!...

Tips to Relieve Side Stitch
posted on: Feb 16, 2013 | author: Bob Sharpe

When will you see RESULTS?

It is the start of your new day! You set a goal and get incredibly motivated over that goal. But then the haunting question arises. When will you see RESULTS? How fast will it take you to get to your goal, and what if you don’t reach your goal? WAIT – Pause…what do you mean “if you don’t reach your goal?” See, I used to think the same way. I set this goal with myself, and start setting a deadline. The problem is, I didn’t hit the deadline. What happens? I quit. What happens when you quit? You truly FAIL. Do not fail yourself. This past week I was listening to Jim Rohn, a fantastic mentor and inspirational...

When will you see RESULTS?
posted on: Jan 26, 2013 | author: Bob Sharpe

Exercising? Push that Pause Button Now!!...

Thanks for stopping by Today I wanted to discuss some motivation for your exercising. If you are doing any workout such as P90X, INSANITY, or the Shakeology workouts, you NEED TO PRESS THE PAUSE BUTTON! Wait, what? Why? Well, if you are like me, you are not super athletic, or, you used to not be super athletic before you started with consistent workouts. A lot of times I find myself faced with HARD moves in these workouts. But, why am I not getting success? Because I just stare at the TV with disbelief! Just like the guy I have pictured on this page!! Sure, the moves seem humanly impossible, but I won’t get results if I don’t...

Exercising? Push that Pause Button Now!!
posted on: Jan 22, 2013 | author: Bob Sharpe

Think Exercising is too Hard? Welcome to the Ropes Course...

Did you ever start a workout, exercise, or program only to stop halfway through the program, not finish a particular day’s workout, or all of the above? If you answered yes to any part of that question, I have something interesting to share with you today! In fact, what I discovered, when applied appropriately, could help us all either become slim or ripped! Think Exercising is too Hard? Try the Ropes Course Mentality and Get Slim & Ripped! Think about this for a second. When we are in the middle of a workout or exercise regimen that is just too tough, we can easily stop, shut it off, and relax. After all, exercising is too hard, right? Same...

Think Exercising is too Hard? Welcome to the Ropes Course
posted on: Dec 19, 2012 | author: Bob Sharpe

Get the Best Sleep Ever

Many people don’t realize that the one thing preventing you from succeeding in your life, fitness, and health goals is your SLEEP! With the busy lifestyles you live each day, have you ever cut out those extra hours of sleep to get more “stuff” done? Did it lead you to waking up the next morning hating life!? Has the lack of sleep caused issues with your job, family, relationships, mood, or all of the above? Then you’ve come to the right place. Today I will discuss the true potential that lies within a GOOD nights sleep, and how YOU can maximize your sleep potential and get the best sleep ever. Ready for the real shocker though? The Science...

Get the Best Sleep Ever
posted on: Nov 14, 2012 | author: Bob Sharpe

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