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Exercising? Push that Pause Button Now!!


exercise hit the pause buttonThanks for stopping by Today I wanted to discuss some motivation for your exercising. If you are doing any workout such as P90X, INSANITY, or the Shakeology workouts, you NEED TO PRESS THE PAUSE BUTTON! Wait, what? Why? Well, if you are like me, you are not super athletic, or, you used to not be super athletic before you started with consistent workouts. A lot of times I find myself faced with HARD moves in these workouts. But, why am I not getting success? Because I just stare at the TV with disbelief! Just like the guy I have pictured on this page!! Sure, the moves seem humanly impossible, but I won’t get results if I don’t try!!! Right??

So, what I started to do is push the pause button when I start looking like this guy in the image on my site. If you are sweating, tired, and find yourself staring at the TV versus doing the move, press pause! Get your composure back in order, and re-start. A lot of times I also find myself unsatisfied after a workout, because I realize I didn’t give it my all.

So, here are a few tips that I started that I hope you can use to your benefit.

Push that Pause Button Motivation Tip #1 – Schedule the Time!

Another problem that makes you end up staring at the TV without pressing the pause button is because you are short on time. It happens to me all of the time. Worse yet, you know a hard move is coming up, so you press the “skip” feature on the DVD and totally blow through the move. DON’T do it!! Get results and at least try every move, even if its a crazy, crazy, insane move!!

If you know your workout is 1 hour (60 minutes), give yourself 15 or 30 minutes longer. If you schedule the extra time in, you will have a buffer to press that pause button when you need to! Decide. Commit. and Succeed my friends!

Push that Pause Button Motivation Tip #2 – Check out the Video!

Hehe – check out this crazy video did when I was pressing the pause button during my workout!! I don’t look the greatest…but come on…I’m getting my butt beat!

Push that Pause Button Motivation Tip #3 – Get an Accountability Partner

In that time when your success is starting to trail away, and you are not into your workout dedication anymore, time to press the PAUSE button again! But this time, we aren’t just pressing the pause button the DVD, we are pressing the pause button on not failing! Time to rewind to success, my friend. How? Through an accountability partner.

This is that person that can help motivate you when you’re down, and share in the same type of concerns. I have a few accountability partners, one being my daughter as I show above in the video. She is the reason I commit to my fitness each and every day. I lost my Dad at a young age, and I will do whatever I can to stay healthy and live long for her (God forbid any unforeseen circumstances).

I also have a huge community of great people like yourself who join Team Beachbody everyday. So, if you need help picking out a workout program, check out my Challenge Packs which will save you money and fuel you up for success. Or, join the Team Beachbody Community for free by clicking here. We can chat and get you connected to long-term success that you’ve been wanting!

Thanks for reading – I hope a piece of this post helped you in some way. If it has, be sure to share this post using the social media buttons on my page.

Yours in Success,

Bob Sharpe



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