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Law of Sowing and Reaping


Law of Sowing and ReapingHello my friend, Bob Sharpe here. When it comes to fitness, health, nutrition, and operating a Beachbody Coach business like I do, there is a law. Not the kind of law that will get you arrested or fined. I find it much worse than that! Why? Because if you fail to follow this law, you could not achieve the success you’re after. The Law: Sowing and Reaping. There are two major things we should look at here. Both the consistency of this law, and the overall reasons how this law WILL help you succeed.

I first learned about the Law of Sowing and Reaping from my personal development mentor, Jim Rohn. Jim has been a powerful influence in many individual’s lives, including mine. I spend a lot of time listening to his powerful words that help empower my future and each day I live. If you are a Beachbody Coach on my team – check out the “Success” tab in your back office, many of his recordings are available to you there for instant download. Below I’m going to share both Fitness and Beachbody Coaching tips. This is to show both the team members on my team, as well as the awesome Beachbody Coaches on my team. We all work to live healthier more fulfilling lives, so fitness and Beachbody Coaching go hand-in-hand in my opinion.


The Law of Sowing and Reaping – My Personal Introduction to the Law

When I first started out with fitness and the business, I was really not sure what to expect. I mean, flashback to 2008 I was just an overweight, and yet excited, “working-for-the-man” individual. My wife and I just moved down to Orlando, Florida and we were so excited. We spent many days at the many Orlando theme parks, and really just enjoying our new married life. But what was I sowing? Not really anything, I was just living my new life.

Then I realized where it got me 2 years later: Still in major debt. Still overweight (and even more overweight). It was time to change my life. I found a program called P90X, and after many failed fitness attempts, I figured I would give it a try. Boy, did it work! It changed my life. Not just physically but financially. In 2011 I took my P90X journey of losing over 70 pounds and made a business out of it by associating with Beachbody, the parent company behind P90X. I lost weight, I paid off my car 3 years early. Hello! This is where the Law of Sowing and Reaping all started for me.


How the Law of Sowing and Reaping applies to Fitness and Beachbody Coaching

As I mentioned above, Jim Rohn really says it best when it comes to this powerful law. Let’s look at this from the standpoint of CONSISTENCY. Each day, you go out into the field, and sow a bunch of seeds into the soil. Some may grow, and some may not. You will have seeds that fall on rocky soil. You will have seeds that may sprout, and get withered away by weeds/etc. You will have seeds that will be taken by the birds. And, you will have seeds that grow. Let’s see how each of these applies to those things that happen in our lives:

  • You will have seeds that fall on rocky soil. In fitness, face it, there are days you aren’t going to workout. Excuses aren’t necessary, it happens. There are days that are going to be complete crap. What do you do? Keep sowing. There are times where you are introducing new opportunities to individuals who want to change their life as a Coach. What happens? No one wants to hear about it. What to do? Keep sowing.
  • You will have seeds that sprout and then wither away due to the weeds. You’re almost getting those abs! You dropped 2 pounds this week! You have someone who is ready to change their life and you’re happy to help them! But, then the next day it comes crashing down. Bad food choices, other life priorities in yourself or others, etc. etc. The weeds have taken over. What do you do when this happens? Keep sowing.
  • You will sow seeds, and the birds will get them. You are so pumped up to do your workout, and then you realize that your friends want you to go out for a drink. Or your boss is making you work late. Or a new individual you met as a Beachbody Coach gets taken away by some fitness fad or they become disinterested. Why did this happen? What can you do to deeper analyze these things? One solution: DON’T. Let the birds (these “things”) just have it/them/the day. Be careful about over analyzing, because when you go chasing the birds – You Leave the Field!! So what does that mean? Keep….on….sowing….
  • You have seeds that grow. Yes friends, it is not all doom and gloom. This is where the SUCCESSFUL people emerge. Why? Because all of those steps before this one happens to everyone. The crap, the birds, the rocky soil, the weeds. But those who are persistent, who don’t give up, find the success. Then all the “giver-uppers” wonder how they did it. I’ll tell you how they did it: the KEPT ON SOWING!!!!!!


Powerful Laws of Sowing and Reaping

Did you know that the law of sowing and reaping doesn’t actually start with Jim Rohn, but the powerful Bible? Yes!

Galatians 6:7 says “For whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.”

Now this can work FOR you or against you! If you sow a bunch of crap, you may reap a bunch of crap! Get it? Darren Hardy says it best in his awesome book “The Compound Effect”. On page 110, Hardy mentions “The Compound Effect – the positive results you want to experience in your life – will be the result of smart choices (and actions) repeated consistently over time.” So sow away, and you will reap big. Each day you should sow a few seeds. This by no means that you can sow 1000 seeds in one day, and then expect success. It’s an apple a day, according to Jim Rohn. Not 10 apples in one day. One apple PER day.

So let’s get to some important laws you need to remember when you are out there sowing in reaping in your life.

  1. Sowing is your choice! You can choose what to sow, how to sow it, and everything in between. Don’t sow crap and expect to get gold. Don’t sow apples and expect to get oranges. Choose what you are going to sow, and do it everyday.
  2. You reap MORE than you sow. Yes, this also is mentioned in the Bible many times (I view the Bible as the ultimate success tool – if you haven’t read it, consider it!). One seed can reap up to hundreds or thousands of it’s kind!
  3. You REAP in a Different Season than you Sow. This is so true, especially applied to fitness. They always say “Summer Bodies are made in the Winter”. This is what this law is stating. You can’t sow seeds in the summer and expect them to reap in a matter of minutes. Get to it in the spring, so they can sprout and reap by the summer.


So what are YOU doing to Sow and Reap each day? If you need to get back on track, make sure you get a Free Team Beachbody Account with me so we can chat and get you on track. If you want to take yourself to the next level, become a Beachbody Coach.

If you liked this post on the Law of Sowing and Reaping, share it with your friends and be sure to leave me lots of comments below!

Yours in Fitness Success,

Bob Sharpe

All About Bob

In 2010, Bob Sharpe was 70 pounds overweight and struggling with Acid Reflux. After getting his life in shape, he dedicated himself to a healthier lifestyle. Now, after losing 70 pounds and being in the best shape of his life, his goal is to help others do the same through his Beachbody coaching and assistance here on Bob Sharpe on Google + | Leaders Only – Click Here

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