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P90X Pull Ups


p90x pull upsHey everyone, and welcome to My name is Bob Sharpe, and I’m excited to have you here, especially if you are searching for how to do P90X Pull Ups better. When I first did P90X, I was struggling like a mad man trying to figure out how to do P90X Pull-Ups. As someone who failed miserably at them in high school, I practically gave up hope. Yes, I will also come clean and say that I would skip a few pull-ups on the pull-ups days in P90X.

But NOT anymore!

I now do 5-10 unassisted pull ups, chin-ups, and everything in between. That may not seem like a lot, but for a guy who could barely do 0.5 of a pull-up, that is a huge accomplishment.

A lot of people on my SharpeFIT insider community ask how they can modify P90X Pull-Ups to a point where they can succeed. There are a few ways to accelerate your results. The first thing NOT to do is NOT do the pull-ups. If you want those serious, infomercial P90X results, you MUST DO ALL WORKOUTS AND ALL MOVES! I capitalize that sentence because it is so freaking important for those serious about results. So let’s get started!

P90X Pull Ups – A Few Important Tips YOU Can Try

Tip #1 – Use the Bands (an obvious solution)

You can use resistance bands to help you with pull-ups. Simply wrap the bands around a sturdy pole/etc around your house, and pull back while you are in a lunge position (P90X shows this move in certain workout videos).

My word of warning is to make sure you are actively pulling back on the band and getting a good burn. If your muscles aren’t working hard (men and ladies alike), you won’t get the results you want. If this is happening to you, I strongly suggest moving along to the second tip.

If you need resistance bands, make sure you get the right color depending on what weight you need

==>Click here to get Resistance Bands

Tip #2 – Use a Chair with the Pull-Ups *Effectively*

For the first and 1/2 of my second round of P90X, I really dropped the ball with this tip. So please learn from my failure! The most important tip when using a chair (see my video below for full examples), do NOT just use your legs to do the work. So many people hop up on the pull-up bar, place their legs on the chair, and go up and down, barely using their arms. Your arms will not get the work they need when you are using your legs to pop yourself up.

My biggest suggestion is to just start with one leg on the chair. Then, just focus on using your chair as an “insurance policy” for your P90X pull ups. What I mean by that is you are using your arms as your primary pull. The only reason your legs are on the chair is if your body completely fails and you practically fall off of the bar.

Tip #3 – Do Negative Pull-Ups to Accelerate Pull-Up Results

The most important tip if you want to stick it to these P90X Pull Ups and win the game is to do negative pull ups if you are struggling. Here is how you do them, step-by-step:

  • Start off with your feet on the ground.
  • Pull yourself up (or jump up) so that you are at the top of the pull-up.
  • Hold the Pull-Up at the top (iso) for a few seconds.
  • SLOWLY bring yourself back to the ground (5 seconds at least).
  • Do this again and again. Be prepared – you will be SORE after this (but hey, guess what? That means Results with those darn P90x pull ups!)

P90X Pull Ups – Tips for Success

Here are a few other tips for success in the P90X Pull Ups. I also included a video below where I show some other cool tips and tricks.

  • Breathe Right – Spend the time inhaling before you pull up. As you pull up, then you should exhale (follow this theory: exhale on the “work”). So when you’re down, inhale, when you pull up, exhale.
  • Push Past your Barrier – Tony says in Shoulders & Arms at home point “See Joe is Struggling, Not Failing, But Struggling”. That is where the results are hiding from you. Make sure that you push past your barrier, not to a complete fail, but to a large struggle. Do this with everything and you will succeed.

Check out the P90X Pull Ups Video here:


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Bob Sharpe

In 2010, Bob Sharpe was 70 pounds overweight and struggling with Acid Reflux. After getting his life in shape, he dedicated himself to a healthier lifestyle. Now, after losing 70 pounds and being in the best shape of his life, his goal is to help others do the same through his Beachbody coaching and assistance here on Bob Sharpe on Google + | Leaders Only – Click Here



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