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Shakeology Cleanse

Shakeology Cleanse

The Details on the Shakeology Cleanse discussed here!

Welcome to! Let’s chat about the Shakeology Cleanse today. The Shakeology Cleanse is an awesome program that only lasts for three (3) days. Not too bad considering most diets and detox programs last longer!

People have shared results losing up to 10 pounds in just this short amount of time (nice!!!). But don’t worry, this cleanse won’t leave you feeling like a zombie. You know, like those “other” cleanses that you might have tried that leave you starving!

Throughout the cleanse, you will replace most major meals. This includes  replacing Breakfast and Lunch with a shake. The Shakeology Cleanse is focused as a meal replacement shake.

As a result, replacing your meals with Shakeology helps in many ways (discussed below). Shakeology is delivered in a 30-day supply, and normally is recommended to drink once per day. In short periods, it can be beneficial to try the Shakeology cleanse (since it is short and no longer than 3 days).

What makes Shakeology different from other shakes and drinks is that it uses whole food ingredients. Not only that, the perfect combinations of 23 vitamins and minerals and a superfood blend pay claim to the innovative nature of this drink. In fact, I (Bob Sharpe) have even lost 10 pounds with the Shakeology drink!

Get the Shake now


The Basics of the Shakeology Cleanse

The Shakeology Cleanse is meant for those who want to flush out all of that garbage in the system. This means the toxins and undigested foods that will make your body MORE energetic and healthier. The results of this Shakeology Cleanse is that you will feel lighter, more energetic, and even lose some weight (average of 3-5 pounds have been lost in the 3 day diet!).


Should YOU Do the Shakeology Cleanse?

Shakeology Cleanse Banner

As the name indicates, this cleanse is based on Shakeology. If you are ready to do the cleanse but don’t have your bag of Shakeology, order Shakeology now. This way you can have it in time to start the cleanse (link will open in a separate window you can keep reading!).

This powerful cleanse is really for anyone! If you want to ensure your body is running efficiently and to maximum health, the Shakeology Cleanse is for you. If you are looking to jump-start before you start a fitness program.

If you are looking to lose a few extra pounds. If you want to gain more energy. It doesn’t matter! The Shakeology Cleanse can work for anyone in all of these situations and more. Here are the most common reasons people come over to and start the Shakeology Cleanse:

  • Flush garbage (junk) out of your system
  • Preparing for a new Fitness Journey
  • Losing Weight before a vacation or wedding
  • Losing Weight and Getting back on Track after a vacation
  • Anyone who feels bloated, bad indigestion, etc.
  • Someone looking to prepare for ultimate health (lower cholesterol, health, energy).
The most important item to remember when doing the cleanse is to stick with it 100%! If you go off of the plan during the 3 day diet, you may not get the results you are looking for! After all, you know you don’t want to NOT get results!!
By taking the Shakeology Cleanse, you will take in a lot of healthy nutrients while keeping your calories low. This will flush your system (WITHOUT spending a lot of time in the bathroom), and give you the chance to reset your body!
One important Difference between the Shakeology Cleanse and a Traditional Cleanse is that you won’t feel like a zombie!! Many cleanses are all about flushing your body by not providing nutrients and cutting calories.
The result of this is really hurting your body more than truly “cleansing” the body. With Shakeology, you are getting an incredible, sophisticated amount of nutrients. Then, you get the chance to lower your calories while getting healthy stuff!

How to do the Shakeology Cleanse – For BEST Results

This is the important section. How do you do the Shakeology Cleanse? First and foremost, you can review the image below, but more importantly, CLICK HERE to get the PDF Document!!

Print out the document that also includes the instructions and follow it exactly for the best results!
3 Day Cleanse
I also recommend doing it with a friend so that you can encourage each other!

Get Shakeology for your Shakeology Cleanse with FREE Shipping

Don’t forget to Get Shakeology in order to start the cleanse! I recommend ordering Shakeology on Auto-Ship, so that you can save $10 on shipping. This will automatically ship and bill you each month. If you want to cancel, just send an e-mail to: to stop the auto-ship anytime.

Shakeology Cleanse

By ordering from my site, you’ll not only get a 30-day guarantee, but you’ll also get to access other material from me as your personal Beachbody Coach…for free!


Have you done the Shakeology Cleanse or Have Questions?

Leave a comment below if you have questions on the Shakeology Cleanse. My goal is to help you! Also, have you had success with the Shakeology Cleanse? Leave us a comment so it can motivate those who are considering the program!!


To your Health,

Bob Sharpe

In 2010, Bob Sharpe was 70 pounds overweight and struggling with Acid Reflux. After getting his life in shape, he dedicated himself to a healthier lifestyle. Now, after losing 70 pounds and being in the best shape of his life, his goal is to help others do the same through his Beachbody coaching and assistance here on Bob Sharpe on Google + | Leaders Only – Click Here

Thank you for viewing my info on the Shakeology Cleanse! Be sure to sign up for the Fitness E-Course “Four Pillars to Fitness Success” in the red boxes around this site.

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