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P90X or P90X2


p90x or p90x2P90X or P90X2 – which program will work best for you? Are there any problems with starting P90X2 without ever doing P90X? Do you NEED to use P90X as a warm-up immediately before jumping into P90X2?

These are some of the top questions, along with a few others, that I will answer today. These questions make a ton of sense, not only because my team asks me, but because I originally asked the same question before P90X2 was launched.

Within this post I will provide you with an exclusive P90X or P90X2 comparison. Take this information and read it over to see which one is best for you! Personally, I have completed both P90X and P90X2, so I’ll mix in some of my own experiences in here as well.

P90X or P90X2 – The Side-by-Side Comparison

Below I have provided a side-by-side comparison chart. This provides some of the most asked questions when it comes to P90X or P90X2.

 P90X vs P90X2 P90X P90X2
Program Goal To help you lose weight and get absolutely ripped in just 90 days. Build and increase athletic performance, with the byproduct of getting you into shape.
Workout Schedule 6 days per week, 7th day is a rest/X-Stretch day. 5 day per week, you can take more rest time if needed.
Phases There are a total of three 30-day phases. There are three flexible phases with your individual goals worked into each phase.
Length of the Yoga Workout  75 minutes total.  60 minutes total.
Exercise Style Muscle Confusion (introducing new moves to challenge your muscles, leading to weight loss). Includes mix of plyometrics, yoga, cardio, and resistance training moves. Similar to P90X in regards to Muscle Confusion, but includes the sport performance training science of PAP (Post Activation Potentiation – explained below)
Equipment Needed (Minimum)
Recommended Equipment
Recommended Supplements Same as P90X
Difficulty Extreme, But Easy to Modify  Also extreme, but also focuses heavily on balance. If your balance isn’t good, I suggest P90X first.
Guarantee? Yes, 100% Money Back Yes, 100% Money Back
Price $119.95 $119.95

You may have noticed the * (asterisk) next to the P90X2 equipment. As someone who has been through P90X2, I have moved the equipment such as Stability Ball, Medicine Ball, and Foam Roller to required. The reason I have it listed under required equipment is because you will feel helpless without them.

I started out with only 2 medicine balls and the stability ball. If I wouldn’t have had them, I might as well throw the program out the door. Seriously. These tools are necessary to get ripped with P90X2. I eventually purchased the foam roller and 2 more medicine balls to ensure I had everything possible for my program. If you want to avoid having this struggle with X2 (if that is what you choose) make sure you get: (1) Stability Ball (4) Medicine Balls, of varying weight if you can, maybe 2 8lb and 2 10lb balls; (1) Foam Roller; Weights or Resistance Bands (at least 2-3 variations of weight).

P90X or P90X2 – The Details with Tony Himself

Check out this great video that Tony Horton did, he will explain P90X or P90X2 for you. Be sure to read on below the video to find out the difference between P90X Muscle Confusion and P90X2 PAP to help guide your decision!


P90X or P90X2 – Muscle Confusion versus Post Activation Potentiation

When P90X first launched in early 2003, muscle confusion was the name of the game. As someone who has personally gone through P90X and now Coach people on P90X, I agree! Muscle confusion basically occurs as each week and each phase occurs. This is why it is important to make sure you follow the program seriously. By consistently introducing new workouts and new varieties, you muscles never get comfortable, leading to faster results!

In P90X2, they introduce PAP (also known as Post Activation Potentiation). PAP does two things, especially in athletic workouts:

  1. PAP provides a way to introduce heavy resistance moves. This causes a high level of central nervous system stimulation, which means you can get greater recruitment and force on your body. What does this mean? When activated, you move quicker with a cardio/fast-twitch move. This means your body is digging deeper, is more flexible, and is using the fast-twitch muscle fibers which can fuel athletic-style results.
  2. PAP also enhances an H-Reflex. This means that the efficiency and rate of nerve impulses to the muscle are greatly improved.


P90X or P90X2 – FAQs

Here are some FAQS that pop up regularly when people decide whether or not to do P90X vs P90X2. If you have any other questions that aren’t answered here, just comment below this post and let me know!

Is P90X2 Better Than P90X?

Not necessarily. P90X2 is an enhancement and extension on the foundation that P90X builds. If you haven’t worked out and are afraid, I would honestly start with P90X first. Give yourself 90 days, get yourself awesome results (follow the plan and be sure you get me as your Coach to help you with the program), and then jump into P90X2.

How Many Times do I need to do P90X before P90X2?

Honestly this is your call. I would recommend doing one round of P90X if you have never worked out before (P90X is tough stuff anyway!). Then, once you feel good enough to get a new challenge, P90X2 will be right here waiting for you!

Can I do P90X2 after INSANITY versus P90X?

If you have never done P90X but have done INSANITY, you will be able to handle P90X2. INSANITY is very intense from a cardio and overall body conditioning perspective, so P90X2 will be a great compliment to focus on your weak spots.

I honestly have a LOT of weight to lose and don’t think P90X or P90X2 will work. Am I in trouble?

You are in no trouble at all my friend! Some of the biggest “losers” here with our team started NOT with P90X…NOT with P90X2, but with the Original Program: Power 90 (P90). This is a great track to get yourself into a good lifestyle of having people’s jaw drop when they see how much weight you are shredding in 90, 180, and 240 days! Click here to start with Power 90.


P90X or P90X2 – It’s Now Your Call

Are you ready to get results? It’s now your call to determine which workout program you want. All programs come with a money back guarantee. Plus, when you order from my site, Bob Sharpe (me!) will becoming your Free Personal P90X/P90X2 Coach. I can help you with any struggles and celebrate your wins with you. I will not let you fail.

Order today and get TWO Free Bonus DVD Workouts with either P90X or P90X2. Each order will come with these 2 bonus DVDs just for committing to your health and fitness

==>Click here to take Action with P90X<==

==>Click here to take Action with P90X2<==


Yours in Health and Fitness Success,

Bob Sharpe

About Bob Sharpe In 2010, Bob Sharpe was 70 pounds overweight and struggling with Acid Reflux. After getting his life in shape, he dedicated himself to a healthier lifestyle. Now, after losing 70 pounds and being in the best shape of his life, his goal is to help others do the same through his Beachbody coaching and assistance here on Bob Sharpe on Google + | Leaders Only – Click Here

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