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P90X2 X2 Core DAY 1 Review


P90X2 X2 CoreHey Friends! Today was DAY 1 of P90X2. I was anticipating this day for so long (I got X2 for Christmas in the middle of my P90X round, so I was excited to start it ever since Dec 25th!).

The first day is X2 Core. Is it P90X Core Synergistics Part 2? No, think again. This workout was awesome!! I have horrible balance, so this workout was very difficult for me but at the same time I know it was working. That is what makes P90X2 X2 Core so crazy! What makes P90X2 unlike P90X Core Synergistics is the balance moves. Think about doing things with your core while workout on your balance at the same time!

So, I start this workout as day 1 of P90X2 X2 Core, and I felt like I was exercising for the FIRST TIME EVER!! I felt like I did the day I started P90X and was 70 pounds heavier! This is what makes me believe in Tony Horton and Beachbody. They continue to add new challenge for your fitness, and I can only imagine the success stories that are going to come out of X2, so get ready!!!

It’s almost like a video game. You start by attempting to beat the game, and eventually you do. After you beat the video game, you go back again and beat it again and again. Then, Video Game 2 comes out, and its a whole new challenge for you. Well, that is what P90X2 reminds me of! I grew and ended up doing very well with P90X and was able to accomplish all of the moves in each DVD, then, here comes P90X2, and I have to start over to get to where I can say the same thing!! That is what makes this motivating and fun. You stick with anything, you’ll eventually master it (practice and time make perfect!).


P90X2 X2 Core Day 1 – My Favorite Moves

I love working my core, and Tony challenges your balance as well which means working your core even harder with trying to keep balance at the same time!! Here are a few of my favorite moves:

  • Roller Boat: This reminded me a bit of a yoga move reaching up to the Boat position. How awesome to roll back, front, and pose in Boat! Great ab workout
  • Core Circle: On a stability ball with your hands, in a plank position, and circling ever-so slightly. YOW! That is a core move if I ever saw one!!!
  • Holmsen Screamer Lunge: its plyometric inside with a core blasting move! Very synergistic on multiple levels, but I felt my core working hard after only 2 reps!
  • Med Ball Dreya Roll: I learned a valuable lesson in this move, and that is, during P90X Dreya Rolls, I was using my hands to get up way too much. Holding a medicine ball prevents the use of your hands to help you get up! So this one is hard, but will become my favorite over time once I can master the move!
  • Banana Ball Switch Crunch: AWESOME!!! Taking your stability ball in the banana position and switching it between your legs and your arms for each rep!! That’s magic!

Here are the ones I know will give me the most challenge:

  • Warrior 3 Cross Crunch: my balance is challenged on this one! I had a hard time with Warrior 3 in Yoga X, so combining this with a crunch makes it very difficult. It is my goal to own this by the end of Phase 1.
  • X2 Diver: I’m a tall guy, so going down to the floor to dive and then coming back up to the top proves to be a bit difficult! It’s a good challenge though, because if you do this move, you’ll know its working almost every muscle including the core.
  • One Leg Lateral Leap Squat: I like this move, but it’s more or less a challenge due to the balance aspect of the entire thing. Think about the lateral leapfrog squats from Plyo X, only doing it on one leg while bending down.


All-in-all, P90X2 is a great, new program and I can’t wait to continue it! As for the phases, I’m on the Foundation Phase and plan to stick with that for about 4 weeks before moving on to the Strength phase. Remember that they only recommend sticking with a phase for no more than 6 weeks to ensure you don’t plateau! What’s nice about the phases is you can mix them up, especially if you do a 2nd or 3rd round of X2!
I’ll see you next time! Tomorrow is P90X2 Plyocide!!
Check out my X2 Core Video Blog here, and don’t forget to subscribe, share, and like my page/posts if you find this motivating or want to share it with someone who may!

P90X2 X2 Core Video Review

Anyone else out there doing P90X2??? Comment and let me know!


Bob Sharpe

All About Bob

In 2010, Bob Sharpe was 70 pounds overweight and struggling with Acid Reflux. After getting his life in shape, he dedicated himself to a healthier lifestyle. Now, after losing 70 pounds and being in the best shape of his life, his goal is to help others do the same through his Beachbody coaching and assistance here on Bob Sharpe on Google + | Leaders Only – Click Here

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